Trainer Name: Shih00s
Rank: Master
Favorite Roles:AttackerSpeedster
Favorite Pokemon
Adesu master build edt
Sylveon | Attacker | Any Lane

This build is quiet crazy, 100k+ every match
Scizor counter
Dragonite | All-Rounder | Any Lane

With outrage, you'll be worst nightmare for scizor
My beloved
Espeon | Attacker | Bottom Lane

Keep sp.attack high, set on resets and range
Dangerous and speed
Mew | Attacker | Any Lane

Aqua Man
Urshifu | Attacker | Any Lane

Faster than the light
Dragapult | Attacker | Any Lane

Fast basics, fast movement and faster K.O
Icy beauty
Glaceon | Attacker | Any Lane

Strong with both builds, keep distanz to stay safe.
Agent snipe
Decidueye | Attacker | Any Lane

Search out, fokus and snipe!!!
Foxy goes brrrrrrrrr
A. Ninetales | Attacker | Any Lane

Ninetales biggest wish: becoming a machine gun
Annoying sneakscore
Talonflame | Speedster | Any Lane

Youre fast and your escapeability is great.
Snreaky scores to stack
Zoroark | Speedster | Any Lane

Foul enemies and attack
Illusion of nightmares
Zoroark | Speedster | Jungle

Strong early, strong late!!
New ground meta
Garchomp | All-Rounder | Any Lane

The ground build is here!! This is my build^^
Was there an enemy?
Absol | Speedster | Any Lane

Nearly ine shots everything
Ranking queen
Gardevoir | Attacker | Jungle

Crazy dmg and carry potential
Carried to master
Make them surrender
Zacian | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Worst nightmare surrender build
Ultimate crits
Absol | Speedster | Any Lane

Can be used on every lane with good pressure
HP Carry defender
Goodra | Defender | Any Lane

High HP and sp.atk , carry under the defenders. Spoon instead of bell
Unstoppable Queen
Tsareena | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Reset finish carry
Espeon | Attacker | Any Lane

Get the resets on future sight and dominate teamfights with resets
Emotional damage
Espeon | Attacker | Any Lane

The strongest build i've ever tested
Every hit crit
Inteleon | Attacker | Any Lane

Nearly every basic a crit, deleting enemies
Tanky apocalypse
Tyranitar | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Dragon machine gun
Dragapult | Attacker | Jungle

Pick rapid fire scarf instead of float stone/ muscle band
Triple danger
Dodrio | Speedster | Any Lane

You're fast, dangerous and sneaky
Defender Ace
Goodra | Defender | Any Lane

Max life and dmg, garanted protection
Birb's not jokin'
Dodrio | Speedster | Any Lane

New Nightslash slender
Zoroark | Speedster | Jungle

New buffs mean new strenght
True emotional Damage
Espeon | Attacker | Any Lane

Aim future sight, attack, resett, kill
Endless live
Goodra | Defender | Any Lane

My personal build, high survivability
Burn it down
Slowbro | Defender | Any Lane

Dealing dmg and high survivability
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