Favorite Roles:SpeedsterAll-Rounder
Favorite Pokemon
Hyper Beam the Cashier
Dragonite | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Fighting Boi
Buzzwole | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Funny Jungle Sword
Aegislash | All-Rounder | Jungle

this one is funny but rarely used, you can go any lane but i like jung
Jungle Dragon
Garchomp | All-Rounder | Jungle

Punching Dragon
Charizard | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Bug Boi
Buzzwole | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Generic Funny Sword
Aegislash | All-Rounder | Any Lane

The Classic and more common build for the funny sword
Angy and Fast
Dragonite | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Flamethrower Char
Charizard | All-Rounder | Any Lane

Earth Shark
Garchomp | All-Rounder | Any Lane

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