
A trickster that hides in the shadows and manipulates Aeos energy.
Create Sableye BuildMoves

Basic Attack
Upon entering stealth, or for every third attack, deals increased damage and Slow. If in stealth, also inflicts Fear.
3rd Attack: Increased Damage, Slow. When in stealth: Fear. See in-game description
Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If the user is in stealth when it hits an opposing Pokemon with a boosted attack, it will deal damage and apply a fear effect. Opposing Pokemon affected by fear will be forced to move away from the user. When the user enters stealth, it will be able to use the boosted attack immediately.

When out of sight of opponents, enter stealth. Remain in stealth briefly after seeing opponents. Stealth ends upon attacking, or when in visible range for too long.
Stealth (out of combat) (Invisible, Swift).
See in-game description
When the Pokemon with this Ability is outside the visual range of Pokemon from the opposing team, it enters stealth and its movement speed increases. When the Pokemon with this Ability enters the visual range of a Pokemon from the opposing team, it does not immediately become visible but instead remains in stealth for a short time. The Pokemon with this Ability exits stealth when it attacks.
Level 1 / 3

Dashes forward, slowing and stealing Aeos Energy from an opponent. If the opponent has no Aeos Energy, it gets stunned.
Damage. Slow. Aeos Vamp, else Stun.
See in-game description
Has the user dash in the designated direction, dealing damage to any opposing Pokemon it hits and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this move hits Pokemon from the opposing team, it steals a small amount of their Aeos energy. If those Pokemon do not have any Aeos energy, they will be left unable to act for a short time.

Slows opponents in a cone, more so from behind.
Damage. Slow. More effective from behind.
See in-game description
Has the user attack in a cone in front of itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time. If this move hits opposing Pokemon from behind, it deals increased damage and a greater decrease in movement speed.
Level 4Choose One

Knock Off
Causes opponents to drop Aeos Energy. The first attack stuns opponents. The second one displaces them.
Upgrade: Swift. HP Vamp (upon collecting dropped Aeos).
Extracts Aeos Energy. Defenses up. First: Damage. Stun. Then: Damage. Displacement.
See in-game description
Has the user move in the designated direction and then back again while attacking around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the attacks and leaving them unable to act for a short time. For a short time afterward, this move can be used again. If it is, the user attacks in front of itself with its claws, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits and shoving them. When either the first or second stage of this move hits opposing Pokemon, those Pokemon will drop some of their collected Aeos energy, and for a short time, they‘ll be unable to pick up Aeos energy. When either stage of this move hits opposing Pokemon that do not have Aeos energy, those Pokemon will be left unable to act—and for a longer duration. While using this move, the user receives reduced damage.
Upgrade: For a short time after this move is used, the next time the user picks up Aeos energy, the user recovers HP and has its movement speed increased.

Shadow Sneak
Enter stealth with additional move speed. Upon exiting stealth by attacking or lingering, can be reactivated if unhindered.
Upgrade: Increased duration. Heal during stealth.
Stealth. Swift. Can reactivate if unhindered.
See in-game description
For a short time, increases the user's movement speed and has it enter stealth. While the user is in stealth, its first boosted basic attack deals additional damage. While this move is active, if the user exits stealth and a hindrance has not left it unable to act, it will be able to enter stealth again.
Upgrade: Increases the duration of this move's effects. While this move is active and the user is in stealth, it will also gradually recover HP.
Level 6Choose One

Feint Attack
Throw traps disguised as Aeos Energy to reveal sections of the map. Traps cause damage over time and slow opponents on contact.
Upgrade: Trap damage causes opponents to drop increased Aeos Energy upon knockout.
Lay traps (three charges). Traps: DOT. Slow. Increase map visibility.
See in-game description
Has the user throw dummy Aeos energy to a designated location. While dummy Aeos energy remains at a location, that location and the area around it will be visible to the user. Dummy Aeos energy can remain at up to five locations at a time, if an opposing Pokemon picks up dummy Aeos energy, that energy explodes, dealing damage over time to that Pokemon and decreasing its movement speed for a short time. A maximum of three uses can be kept in reserve for this move.
Upgrade: If an opposing Pokemon is knocked out while taking damage over time from this move, it will drop more Aeos energy than it normally would.

Confuse Ray
Fires a beam that damages and confuses opponents.
Upgrade: Confused opponents get increased move speed and attack speed.
Damage. Confusion.
See in-game description
Has the user fire a sinister ray in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon it hits. If this move hits Pokemon from the opposing team, it also leaves them confused. While confused, Pokemon continuously attack nearby Pokemon with basic attacks. Confused Pokemon will target nearby Pokemon in the following order of priority: first, their ally Pokemon; then, wild Pokemon; last, Pokemon on the user's team.
Upgrade: Also increases the movement speed and basic attack speed of Pokemon from the opposing team while this move has left them confused.
Level 8

Chaos Glower
Shoot light at an area. Opponents facing you get stunned and begin returning to base. Opponents facing away get slowed. Attack a stunned opponent to cancel the return to base and inflict a second stun.
AOE damage. Face to face: Stun and return opponents to their base. From behind: Slow.
See in-game description
Has the user shoot light from both of its eyes, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in an area of effect in front of itself. Pokemon from the opposing team hit by this move who are facing the user freeze in place and start involuntarily preparing to return to base. If they take damage before returning to base, they remain where they are and are left unable to act for a short time. Opposing Pokemon hit by this move who are not facing the user have their movement speed decreased for a short time.