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peak mew gaming

peak mew gaming Mew - TrainerUltan

Updated Feb 15, 2023
Electro Ball
Electro Ball
Light Screen
Light Screen
Move Reset
Move Reset
Wise GlassesChoice SpecsShell BellEject Button
Electro Ball
Light Screen
Move Reset
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
Shell Bell
Eject Button
Add Fav
Attacker Any Lane

guide on how to play bingus with psychic powers

Build Path

<Electro Ball

Electro BallFirst Pick

AOE damage. Stun. Assassinate.

<Light Screen

Light Screen


<Move Reset

Move Reset

Moves relearnable.

<Mystical Mirage

Mystical MirageUNITE

Wise Glasses

Wise Glasses

Increases the damage of special attacks.

Choice Specs

Choice Specs

Increases the damage of moves. More Sp. Atk results in more damage.

Shell Bell

Shell Bell

Special attacks heal 45 HP, plus a percentage of your Sp. Atk.

Eject Button

Eject Button

Instantly teleport yourself somewhere nearby.

Stat Boosts

Shell Bell
Sp. AD+85
Wise Glasses
Choice Specs
Shell Bell
Sp. AD %+7%
Wise Glasses

Special Move Vamp


mew used to be broken back in the day, it's not broken anymore but it still very good if u know what u doing

for the held items, wise glasses and choice specs for damage with shell bell for cdr and healing
mew is extremely frail and defensive items like focus band and buddy barrier really ain't that useful, you would wanna focus on damage
you could replace shell bell with sp atk specs if you're like stacking (it's probably better than shell bell since u laning but whatever)

eject button is good cuz mew squishy and needs mobility, tho x speed, x attack and full heal are good items too

mew has a amazing early game, electro ball does like a million damage and good aoe with light screen, you can go solar beam to poke from a safe distance but eball too good
it's also better than pikachu's eball, so up yours stupid yellow rat

mew's basic attack works a bit different from other mons, every time it uses a move it gets a boost counter, at three counters it get it's boosted in which the farther it travels the more damage it does
the basic attack combos are explained thoroughly in the video below

at level 5 it gets a move reset button, which it gets different moves, use it a lot since it can also reduce the cooldown of your unite move

here are all of it's good mewsets (get it?)
- electro ball / light screen: your early game moves, great at securing all that juicy farm and has an execute
- solar beam / light screen: your secure moves, crazy damage
- surf / agility: use these for mobility and stunning multiple enemies
- solar beam / agility: this moveset can secure stuff and give you a escape if something goes wrong
- electro ball / agility: good for chasing low hp enemies
- surf / light screen: l o n g s u r f
- solar beam, surf, electro ball / coaching: kinda niche, the cdr is nice but not as consistent as the other two moves, still crazy tho
(the video below goes in detail about combos and when to use certain movesets, shoutout to crisheroes for the video, im not that great at mew so i don't know some stuff)

mystical mirage is a good escape tool and makes your teammates invincible and invisible as well, do note that if you use your moves you won't be invincible and invisible anymore but it will still do damage

a good boost emblem loadout for mew is 6 green, 7 black, and 2 purple, with the following emblems:
venusaur, venonat, venomoth, beedrill (bronze), victreebell (bronze), vileplume, gengar, zubat, golbat, and alakazam (or silver mewtwo/mew)
(note that the the emblem loadout in the video is slightly different, still works)

now i know why goh wants to catch a mew so bad

Works Well With

Mr. Mime

s t u n s (power swap amazing too)


a good lane tank is always great


clefable's gravity can prevent assassins from diving on mew, and moonlight has great healing

Reported Icon This build was created in the game version of It may contain inaccuracies in the data that is used compared to the current version of

Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user TrainerUltan for sharing this guide on how to play Mew. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.

There are indeed many ways to play Mew in Pokemon Unite, and you can find more builds here, as well as detailed information about Mew's moves and the items you can assign to it.

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