Top Lane Gerninja Greninja - LTSouls
Don't like Cinderace? Want more Movement? Pick Gerninja!
Build Path

BubbleFirst Pick
Damage. Slow.

Damage. Displacement. HP Vamp. Instant cooldown on takedown.

Invisible. Movement Speed up. Attack boost. (+)Increased Attack upon reveal.

Waterburst ShurikenUNITE
AOE damage and Slow. Then AOE damage. Displacement. Then: Dash.
Stat Boosts
Bonus Attack Damage On Hit
Critical Damage
Shield (Upon Unite)
August 2021
So you Chose to pick Gerninja. Let's get to it, shall we?
Buddy Barrier:
Sheild after ult is To OP to give up.
Muscle band:
Best item for attackers
Scope Lens: Good for Crit allowing u to get bigger hits to hopefully
match into that pesky Cinderace
Attackers Weight: Could Sub for Scope Lens, As attacker wieght might not be the move for Solo Queueing.
Pre-Game: Start by choosing Bubble as your first move. Bubble will help with early clear of the Ambipoms while u are walking into lane. Now u should have Substituted. use this as a dash to get away or reposition in the early game.
Early: Make sure you are always looking for more Farm. Early points don't matter too much so only score if u wipe the enemy 2 early. Gerninja doesn't really do much until Surf. Keep the enemy at the tip of the range of your circle for maximum safety and positioning. Upon reaching LVL 5 take Smokescreen. It's 10x better than Double Team. Proving cover and a cloak rather than just a dash.
MID: Now u have reached Lvl 7 and u are debating picking Surf or Shuriken. I choose Surf for the extra dash when escaping and for the Execute it allows you to have while also replenishing the cooldown after the knockout.
REMEMBER Drednaw is the Most IMPORTANT Objective in the game. I suggest at 2 Minutes you and your Defender rotate for each of them giving up the top lane. If they get the top tower so be it, You'll have the lvl advantage.
Late: Now u should be playing Frogger. Dashing and basicing your way through the Enemy. Use your damage, Waterbusrt Shuriken, (ULT) isn't great, but u can use it to Reposition in a fight or to start one. if u have a Lead DO NOT take Zapdos only Defend it. It's not worth the risk of the enemy team stealing in and Taking the Lead.
Works Well With
Pokemon Unite .GG thanks user LTSouls for sharing this guide on how to play Greninja. Be sure to support your favorite creators by upvoting their builds, videos, and anything else they share you find useful. You can also check this user's page for more build guides.
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